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Our journey began in May 2019 when Anna Torday embarked on a trip to Romania to reconnect with family. In the midst of her personal recovery journey, even on vacation, Anna sought out an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting for support. To her surprise, the meeting took place within the walls of a psychiatric hospital, and the chairperson leading the session was a compassionate doctor. This doctor had established a haven for clients returning from treatment, providing them with a safe space for continued recovery.

During this meeting, Anna discovered a significant gap in resources – the doctor was using a Xerox copy of the Romanian Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. It was then that Anna became aware of the scarcity of recovery books and literature, as well as the unique challenges posed by the government's perspective on addiction as a disease.

Returning to America with newfound determination, Anna shared her experiences with her home groups. Driven by a desire to make a impact, she started the collection of recovery books and literature to be sent to the Romanian hospital. The first shipment of books took place in June 2019, marking the beginning of a beautiful mission. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which temporarily halted the group meetings and shipments, our commitment endured. Throughout the lockdown, she continued amassing resources.

Fast forward to May 2022, after a two-year hiatus in travel plans due to the pandemic—Anna returned to Romania, this time armed with a suitcase filled not only with books and literature but also with monetary contributions generously donated by local groups in America. These resources were distributed to local groups across Romania, supporting their individual visions for recovery.

On November 18th, 2022, The Romania Recovery Project was officially established as a nonprofit organization. With a steadfast commitment to growth, the project aims to continue expanding its resources, extending a helping hand to communities throughout Romania. As the pages of this story turn, The Romania Recovery Project stands as a beacon of hope, fostering positive change in the lives of those touched by addiction on a global scale.


Our mission is to spread awareness on the disease of addiction and end the stigma surrounding it in Romania. We will provide education on the science behind the disease and share evidence based practices for prevention with the community and local governments. While there is always more that can be done, there is no doubt that we are making a significant impact. 

We wholeheartedly commit to the work we do with passion and dedication, transparently sharing it with the Romanian community and inviting others to take part. This mission drives the continued success of The Romania Recovery Project. In turn this will benefit society by creating treatment centers and employment in the behavioral health field, because it is proven recovery is possible given treatment. .Help support the community by breaking the cycle of addiction and save lives. See how you can become part of the difference.


Anna Torday

Anna Torday is the passionate president and founder of The Romania Recovery Project, a non-profit organization based in North America with a mission to raise awareness about addiction and foster the growth of the recovery community in Romania. As a certified Peer Recovery Specialist with knowledge in the field of chemical dependency counseling, Anna brings valuable experience to her cause. From Ohio, she made a life-changing decision to move back to her hometown in Targu-Mures, Romania, where her dedication to making a positive impact on her community and the lives of those struggling with addiction, truly shines.

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