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Közelgő Events

A The Romania Recovery Project csapata továbbra is részese lesz az ohiói helyi eseményeknek. Az adománygyűjtéstől a szponzorálásig. A helyi közösségek összefognak, hogy felhívják a figyelmet a szenvedélybetegségre, megmutatva Romániának, hogy mi is megtehetjük ezt. Az egység összehozza a világot. Együtt mi lehetünk a változás. 

Múltbéli események


Thank you, Arc Recovery services for organizing yet another fantastic Recovery Fest. Big thanks to Reba McCray for her love and support for The Romania Recovery Project. The event provided exposure for us to showcase our cause and raise awareness about addiction and recovery in Romania.

@ 834 Grant St, Akron, OH

Recovery fest includes resource tables, inflatables for the kids, face painting, speakers, live music, food trucks and more!

Rcovery Fest 2024

August 9th 2024


May 30th 2024

On the 30th of May, 2024 at the Salamon Ern Salam Theoretical High School the second session of the BREAK FREE project took place. High school students, over 140 in number, were the protagonists of an interactive symposium, where they had the opportunity to interact with specialists and motivational speakers. Among them were Ms. Mathé Annamária, a clinical psychologist with extensive experience, and Ms. Anna Torday, Founder of The Romania Recovery Project who shared her experience of suffering in the context of drug use.

BREAK FREE is a drug prevention project initiated by Rotary Club Gheorgheni in partnership with the Harghita County Police Inspectorate through the Crime Analysis and Prevention Department and the Harghita County School Inspectorate.

Its aim is to raise awareness among teenagers and young people about the ill effects of drug use.

The project is carried out in educational institutions in the municipality of Gheorgheni.

BREAK FREE stands out as an initiative of major significance in addressing and raising community awareness of the problems associated with drug use.

On November 14, 15, 16 and 17 the

"ALTERNATIVE" conference took place, an event

attended by over 500 students of Colegiul

„Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" din Târgu Mureş

We're excited to share with you the news that our project dedicated to honest stories of brave people battling alcohol and drug addiction has come to an end. These real stories were a mirror of serious battles, but also of courage and determination to overcome obstacles. Our goal has been to bring these stories to teenagers in order to raise awareness and understanding of drug and alcohol issues. It's vital to spark open discussions and offer support, thus building a strong network of understanding and empathy.

We thank the team involved, the collaborators and, of course, the protagonists of these stories for their amazing courage. We continue to work together to change the perspective on these issues and create a healthier future for our teens.

The event was implemented by Fundaţia Transilvană Alpha as part of the project "ALTERNATIVE", financed by the Social Assistance Directorate of the Municipality of Tîrgu-Mureş, as part of the Social Cohesion in the Community program.



2023. augusztus 26

Séta ingyenes helyreállítás Walk 

A Románia Helyreállítási Projektnek lesz egy asztala a Walking Free Recovery Walknál. Csatlakozzon a New Hope for Recovery-hez, miközben körbejárják a Tallmadge Circle-t, és felhívják a figyelmet a függőség betegségére. Járj szabadságban, segíts a remény terjesztésében! 

10:30 @ 226 Southeast Ave. Tallmadge, Ohio 44278